Mumber the Bunny
Bunny named Thumper

A bunny by the name of Mumper once lived in a world far, far away. Compared to the other bunnies in the woodland, Mumper was special. He had a unique ability that allowed him to talk and walk like people.

Initially, Mumper’s ancestors were just like other rabbits, but through evolution, they achieved this special talent. They developed a complex language to communicate with one another as they learned to walk upright, use objects with their front paws as hands, and walk upright position.

Mumper developed an interest in the outer world as he grew older. He was curious to investigate and discover more about the other local wildlife. So he left on an adventure one day.

Mumper encountered numerous different animals on his trek through the jungle, but none of them could walk or communicate with him. They were astounded by Mumper’s skills and frequently questioned him on how he had learned to do them. They would learn about Mumper’s forefathers and how they had developed into modern-day intelligence bunnies throughout time.

Mumper’s trek brought him to a clearing, where he encountered other people. They were equally as awestruck by Mumper as the other animals were, and they embraced him as a member of their pack. Mumper was ecstatic and made the decision to stay and study the humans.

Mhumper shared his knowledge of the forest and the other creatures that lived there with the people he lived with. Along with teaching them his language, they also shared theirs with him.